DIGUNA is a German abbreviation for “Die guten Nachrichten für alle“. Which means ‘the good news for all.’ This wraps up our aim and purpose to reach children, youth and un-evangelized people groups with the gospel. Equipping them for ministry by providing practical and technical assistance to the existing local churches and ministries. In Kenya we have stations in Tinderet, Ngechek and Mbagathi which serves as the Mission headquarter in Africa. We also have projects in Lodwar and Kwale. To achieve our aim we have different departments that we serve under.
We have the following programs to offer you!
DIGUNA Youth Ministry
As the name states, reaching out to the young generation by sharing the good news of Christ is our main task. We strive to achieve this through different programs that will interest the youth. We engage in activities as a tool to share His love. This include:
DIGUNA Youth Camps
The DIGUNA Youth Camps program is centered at ministering to young people about the Gospel of Christ and also equipping them to reach out to fellow men and women. Over the years we have been able to reach different young people who come to our youth camps during school break in April, August and November/December, for a week, where we have different activities around fellowship, fun and nourishment. We have a special camp for form four leavers (high school graduates) in January for a week and afterwards they get to have a 3 weeks mission trip in different regions in Kenya.
DIGUNA School Ministry
In partnership with the local church leadership and schools in the rural areas, we are able to have our teams hosted for weeks as they visit different schools in their region or just a weekend. This program is mostly referred to as ‘a weekend challenge’. We share God’s word, engage in career talks and have open sessions with the students. This is one great opportunity to interact, encourage and give direction. It is refreshing to see many young people having an interest to knowing God and even committing their youthfulness to Him.
DIGUNA Sports ministry
In DIGUNA, sports serve as a tool to share the love of Christ. This is through soccer, volleyball, a high rope course challenge and an open community gym. We have DIGUNA Football club, a team of young men and children, who come for soccer training. We get to participate with them in different leagues and tournaments. We get to host DIGUNA Children’s League over the weekends, during the month of
May through June. We have a kid’s tournament, with participants being different children football clubs. We get a chance to enjoy Soccer and share God’s word.
DIGUNA Childrens Ministry
We focus on fulfilling on Christ’s desire for the little ones to get to know Him. “Let the little children come to me…” Matt 19:14. Through:
Pastoral program instruction (PPI)
In collaboration with our neighboring schools, we have a weekly program, where we get to share the word of God. We are grateful that here in Kenya the government has put this as part of the primary school curriculum. We get to have a lesson in every class/ grade with a facilitator to be able to meet their spiritual needs based on their age bracket and understanding.
Kids club
Every Saturday afternoon is a special time for kids in the neighborhood. They get to meet at our station for an afternoon of refreshment. We get to serve them with the word of God and refreshments. Topped up with outdoor games and more fun activity. We find contentment seeing the little ones grow knowing Christ despite their backgrounds.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
This is a program we run over the school holidays. In partnership with the local churches, we have one week of bible study lessons, tests, trivia’s and making crafts among other fun activities in their churches.
Kamae remand ministry
The Government of Kenya has a program that serves as rescue and correctional center for children under the age of eighteen. It’s unfortunate that rescue and correction don’t really merge up. However we are grateful that these children have a shelter, food and education. Once in a week, we get a chance to spend a day with them. We fellowship, interact and engage in basic house chores.
DIGUNA Evangelistic Outreach
We partner with the existing local churches and missionaries in the unreached places. We send a team for a couple of weeks for outreach. Our outreach activities involve doing house to house or person to person evangelism, open air meeting, Christian film shows, and revival meetings in the churches and discipleship seminars in the unreached places. We also do Christian literature distribution while out on the campaign outreaches. This includes Bibles, other Christian literature books as well as tracts for free distribution.
DIGUNA Radio Ministry
Radio reaches all layers of people: young and old, rich and poor, educated and uneducated. At the request of the church, DIGUNA takes care of the technical side such as construction, studio equipment and training. Members of the church take care of the radio program. Local Christian music programs, sermons, interactive programs are broadcast. It is important that daily news as well as necessary education and hygiene programs have their place.
DIGUNA Tinderet
It is situated in the Nandi hills, Rift Valley region of Kenya. Besides the above departments. We also have the “Rainbow Children’s Home“ and the “Rainbow Vocational School”. The Tinderet station helps us fulfill our desire for everyone in Western Kenya to taste the love of Christ.
DIGUNA Ngechek
We have Royal Totos Children's Home, for HIV-positive children. Our station is not far from the city of Eldoret in western Kenya. It is our concern to show the children that their life is worth living. We raise them under the name “Royal Totos” in the knowledge that they are royal children. That means, beloved children of God. The children are divided into five houses in which they live with their parents and an unmarried co-workers like a big family.
Kwale Project
The project started in 2017, known as, “The Main Thing, TMT John 3:16”.We strive to reach the Duruma and Digo people who live in this area and are predominantly Muslim. We share the gospel in schools by supporting the Christian Union, engaging in sports activities (football training and tournaments), peer counseling, youth and sports camps, church services and working closely with the churches on having training and seminars for pastor. Food distribution as it is a needy region.
Lodwar Project
Lodwar is called the "city of nomads". It is the capital of the Turkana District and has about 150,000 inhabitants. Turkana is a fascinating steppe area in northwest Kenya. Characterized by great heat, drought and extreme poverty. Together with the local church we make Christ known by sharing His love as we meet the needs stated. Through hunger relief, drilling wells, we have been able to add artificially irrigated gardens to some. We have Nakuluja School where in addition to education, the children receive balanced meals and a good foundation in faith.
Practical Work
In all our stations and projects, we have different practical work. With the help of people with different skills we are able to achieve a self-reliance. We have several departments and workshops to be covered. This could include carpentry, car and electrical workshop, farming, nursing and health workers, masonry, teaching, plumbing, helping in the kitchen, administrative or office work and much more, where people can use their gifts in serving God through serving others.
Conocé más de DIGUNA
Estamos presentes en: Africa Subsahariana y El Salvador.
Áreas de servicio: Adolescentes, Adultos, Alcanzando a los no alcanzados, Alojamiento, alimentación y ropa, Ancianos, Artes plásticas, Capacitación con énfasis en la Misión, Danza, Deporte, Educación, Evangelismo local, Evangelismo urbano, Islam, Jóvenes, Mimo, Movilización misionera, Música, Negocios/Profesión, Niños, Salud, Teatro, Capacitacon teológica, Capacitación transcultural y Universitarios.
Oportunidades para ti: cursos presenciales, en línea, materiales en PDF y voluntariado.
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